RefuShe was developed for female refugees on behalf of the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia.
Many women experienced violence in their everyday lives or are threatened by it. A great help is an institution like a women’s refuge or women’s advisory centre. The app informs female refugees about these help centres and informs women about their rights. Furthermore, women get the opportunity to get in contact with these institutions.
Women’s refuges, women’s advisory centres, the help line: RefuShe offers an overview of the different help centres and gives information in German, English, Arabic, Kurdish and Pashto. Several videos help visualising the respective contents.
The right of dignity, self-determination, equality and integrity – every woman has basic laws. RefuShe presents these rights. With the help of short stories the topics are easy to understand and well depicted.
RefuShe provides careful information about the different forms of violence. The app tries to raise awareness and present possible solutions. A woman must not suffer from violence. Every woman can seek help.
RefuShe offers the opportunity to contact help centres in North Rhine-Westphalia directly. In order to find suitable help, you can screen the respective institutions according to location and specialisation.